The Call

Stand strong and agilethe flow
grounded and courageous
humility with dignity

Fierce Peacefulness calls.

Alight on a leaf
in a circle of listening
with ethical conversation
committed to truth,
common unity ~ community.

Absorbed in this atmosphere
be present.

Of intrinsic shuffelings
and the creaking of neurons
untying and dismantelling,
of stuff which is knotted
and enmeshed and embedded,the cleansing
the stuck and entangled
to see and to process
to  germinate and sprout,
from the life within


New life,
extends strong shoots
of nature, into structure,
an attitude so cheeky,


heat and cold weathered winds swirl
spirals across this twirling planet,
surprisingly still, in the invisible eye.

in the atmosphere, weather happens.
hurricanes from space
reveal their eye within the storm,
only safe in the centre.

calming, the storm subsides to ‘normal’,
relief is not survival.
taken for granted safe weather has no name,

so springs opportunities for listening,
stirrings and germinations.
here is the invitation to the ease of ethical conversation,
exploring truth and reconciliation
that which has been lost
with joining threads
that which has been broken,
connecting nodes,
amends are made.

the conversation, listens,
sees, back and forth
on the looms of lives
day to day, moment to moment
weaving a tapestry of Self, evolved,
an identity unpeeled
entwined and healed.

without cure
the Sacred wound
with Fierce Peacefulness
and day dream meditation
and heals
in the atmosphere, into the Image
of the Great One,
an environment of Spirit 
singing Uni – Verse.

Danced by interconnected synchronicity
in currents concurrent
steer your craft,
the Waye is safe
for vulnerability.

day dream opening
of centres within
the creative, the full
me is exposed
is expressed.

Such are the ingredients and the method
and the waye to Be – ing

of flow

of enlightened delight
scintillating with Oneness
celebration of Soul

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2 Responses to The Call

  1. attieattie920 says:

    This is absolutely beautiful 🙂

    On Fri, May 1, 2020 at 11:23 AM Ethical Conversation ~ Fierce Peacefulness wrote:

    > nadiipp posted: “stand strong and agile fierce peacefulness calls everyone > may your conversations be ethical alight on a leaf in a circle of listening > committed to truth, to see, to hear, to notice, to matter, to endure over > time, with freedom of t” >

    Liked by 1 person

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